Through direct programming we facilitate groups of people to cultivate meaningful connections as a method of building positive team culture. This work happens through gamified and game based activities while encouraging intentional dialogue.
Facilitated Fun
When facilitated with intention, games and other forms of play can be powerful tools to help foster meaningful community development within teams and organizations. Through this offering, we will collaborate with staff to facilitate games relevant to organizational work and to promote the intention of promoting community and relationship building.
Facilitating Feelings
Certain games have inherent benefits for supporting the development of social emotional skills with young people. We facilitate gaming groups to support the positive development of young people’s listening, empathy, collaboration, strategic problem solving and critical thinking skills.
Strategic Planning
We provide organizational consulting to support the integration of gamification principles into various programs. This process is designed to be tailored to individual and organizational needs and can range from facilitated strategic planning for new programs or specific support for individual programs.
Curriculum & Toolkit Development
We offer support for developing programmatic toolkits and curricula to support a wide range of learning. We also support the integration of gamification principles into existing curricula, toolkits, and programs.
Character Development
Tabletop Role Playing
This learning experience uses tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs) as a vehicle for understanding ourselves, understanding others, and navigating the world. During this project, participants will construct worlds, stories, and characters to explore real-world skills relating to social issues. Topics will include positive development, theology/philosophy, history, economics, and government. To frame this another way, the participants will learn civics through RPGs based in a social-emotional learning (SEL) framework.
This content is designed to be offered in youth engagement settings (classrooms, community centers, clubs, or other spaces) and will work most effectively with students between middle and high school. The program can be offered in 4-6 sessions of 1-2 hours each. This self-directed program is subject to changes in time to completion based on youth participant needs. Participants do not require prior experience with role-playing games. The projects will be self-directed, with ample opportunity for collaboration.